Now accepting PreK 4 FESUA

Registration open for 2024-2025



I like to think of us all at Avalon School, student body and faculty, as being on an adventure. We are about learning and learning is, indeed, an adventure. I like to think of our teachers as opening young minds and hearts to the wonders and challenges of the world as they venture into the realm of knowledge. I like to think that God has uniquely equipped each of us for our pursuit of goodness, truth and beauty through education.

Please take a look at my website for more information about my books written about Avalon School.

Our Mission

The mission of Avalon School is to provide a nurturing, success-oriented learning environment that allows our students to maximize their learning strengths and abilities so they may work to their individual potential.

To realize this mission, Avalon employs its research based techniques, which emphasize small class size, a comprehensive communication component, ability level instruction and a nurturing learning environment.

The researchers who have designed the Avalon program draw from the influences of Daniel Goleman, ("Emotional Intelligence"), Howard Gardner, ("Multiple Intelligence") and Sally Smith ("There are No Easy Answers"). The Avalon research team has developed and added to the educational research base in the fields of "Success Oriented Education" and "Success Oriented Reading."

Call Us Today At ♦ (407) 297-4353


5002 Andrus Ave
Orlando, FL 32804

Phone: 407-297-4353
Fax: (407) 578-5418

In Business Since 1986

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